Hello Fellow Retirees,

Happy New Year!! I just returned from a wonderful walk in 40 degree temperatures, in CORTLAND, NY.  It is a new year and RC #45 has a renewed sense of purpose.

New leadership is taking charge in our country. Vaccinations are out there for our retirees and frontline workers. We are back to being able to hold meetings, virtually, but still meet! The last board meeting we held this month had 100% attendance for us because weather was not an issue!!  Our officers and board members did not have to spend more time getting here in their cars than we actually took to conduct our meeting. A new way of doing business that is more cost effective and more user friendly.  We would also like to encourage our members to create a profile on our website so that we may have a quick way to communicate with you regarding time sensitive information. Further along in this article our Webmaster (and Board Member) Tom Gath will outline the process for you.  We do not share your email addresses, we intend to use them solely to communicate with you.

I am grateful that after the last newsletter was mailed out we received several voluntary contributions, thank you to all of you who sent yours in!!  We also had a new retiree step forward and volunteer to act as our secretary. We are proud to announce that on January 6, we  appointed Paul Davis as our NYSUT RC #45 secretary. Paul rounds out our board quite nicely and you will read a brief note from him later in this newsletter. How gratifying to have my pleas for retiree involvement not fall on deaf ears. We do need to continue to hear from you, your questions and with what do you need assistance? We still have over 40 districts that are not directly represented in our retiree council.  We are your voice and your connection to NYSUT – let us speak for you.

Retiree Services is planning the launch of a series of webinars for February.  Topics include: Covid and Vaccinations (2/3), Valentine’s Day Cooking Class (2/10), Chair Yoga (2/17), and a Cabin Fever Music Festival (2/24).  The dates for all sessions are tentative at this time, and each one will run for no more than 60 minutes.  More information is forthcoming on the NYSUT website: https://www.nysut.org/members/retirees

Stay warm!!

In solidarity,  Vicki Darrow

President, NYSUT RC #45