Hello my sisters and brothers! 

Hoping this newsletter finds you well and ready to begin the holiday season. We here at RC 45 have been busy this fall preparing for and hosting our October General Meeting at the Classic Car Museum in Norwich. We considered the meeting a great success and enjoyed our time with many of our members from all over the RC #45 region.

I am seeing more progress regarding our FIX TIER SIX campaign which will require all hands on deck. The goal is to make public service retirement fair for everyone. Visit www.fixTier6.org to join the fight. At our fall meeting several of us increased our VOTE-COPE contributions by $6 monthly. The idea is to FIX TIER 6 with $6. Please consider contributing using pension deduction for your VOTE-COPE contribution. For questions or to request a VOTE COPE form visit NYSUT’s homepage (or call/text me at 607-745-3515 and I will mail you a form) Pension deduction is the easiest way to continue your contributions in retirement and it costs NYSUT the least amount of money to set-up for the long term. Nothing would be more valuable and appreciated than you answering the call in this way. 

We are currently looking for a location for our spring General Meeting, feel free to send me some suggestions for locations in your area.

Please enjoy your holiday season, stay healthy and safe.

In solidarity, 

Vicki Darrow

President, NYSUT RC # 45