Hello my Sisters and Brothers!!!

Happy spring, so wonderful to see the flowers blooming in my gardens! IMG 0660

RC#45's delegates have just returned from New York City where we attended the 2024 Representative Assembly. Two of our three delegates proudly represented our 3,400 members. A huge victory that we celebrated here is the change in APPR legislation.

Another resounding victory on our Fix Tier 6 reform efforts with the final average salary being moved to the three highest years' salaries not five. It is a small step toward our goal of fixing the inequity of Tier 6. This brings me to my request for your VOTE-COPE contributions. Please consider donating through pension deduction to help our NYSUT representatives prioritize their efforts for continued reform.  Political Action (nysut.org).

I would like to stress that this year's upcoming national, state and local elections are crucial to our retirees. Attacks on our benefits are a reality. Please get out and vote, use an absentee ballot, vote early to avoid crowds. Make your voices heard by using NYSUT's Member Access Center (https://mac.nysut.org/) to contact your representatives at the state and national level. 

NYSUT Vice President Ron Gross has spoken to us regarding the initiative to begin an "Opt In" program for delivering our newsletters. We write and deliver five per year and appreciate hearing from many of you as well as accepting your voluntary contributions. They are used to support the activities of RC #45 including participating in the governance meeting and our scholarships. 

Please consider attending our spring membership meeting at Hopshire Brewery. Our June General Membership meeting is planned and we are very excited as we continue collecting reservations for our day at Hopshire Farms and Brewery in Freeville on June 18th. Bring a friend and enjoy a relaxing time with your NYSUT family. The luncheon will begin with registration and social time at 11:30 am. Tom Gath has graciously offered to entertain during that time. At noon we will have a catered lunch from M&D Deli with each attendee being given a drink ticket for beer, wine or cider. After lunch there will be tastings, tour or a talk depending on interest. Hope to see you there!!

In Solidarity, ~Vicki Darrow-RC 45 President