A 9 book series concerning an English detective…author is Peter Grainger…the first book is An Accidental Death…and Max recommends that they be read in order!!!?

The Thursday Murder Club, followed by The Man Who Died Twice…by Richard Osman.
4 friends at a retirement home…who all led amazing lives…decide to solve crimes!
The books are funny, poignant, heartwarming, intelligent, very interesting reads!!!?
Chris highly recommends!

West With Giraffes…by Lynda Rutledge…an amazing story of a pair of giraffes being transported from NYC to the San Diego zoo in the late 1930’s…historical fiction based on fact…who knew?? The characters are amazing and I am now in love with giraffes!!?

The Sentence…by Louise Erdrich…incredible story told by this incredible Native author…one year in the life of many Indigenous people, along with some hauntings…beautifully written.?