Hello Fellow Retirees,
Happy New Year!! I hope this letter finds you warm and cozy with visions of warmer weather. I have done some traveling to the Charleston, SC area and then Memphis, TN. No, before you ask, Elvis was not seen by me or my husband. We leave shortly for Arizona for a couple weeks so I had best get this newsletter out to you!
As I always mention, thank you to those of you who have already mailed your voluntary contributions and if you have yet to do so, please consider sending your 2019-2020 voluntary contributions. As you now know, we do rely solely on your donations to support our efforts in keeping you informed and advocating on your behalf. No one representing the RC receives any compensation for his/her work.
I want to speak with you about getting involved. We have a few members who serve as officers and board members for RC #45. We need more!! They are doing a great job but we need help to meet the needs of our members. We need to hear from you! What are your questions? With what do you need assistance?
Of the 53 NYSUT Locals that RC #45 represents we have the following districts represented on the board: Afton TA, Cortland UT, DeRuyter TA, Groton FA, and Homer TA. That leaves well over 40 districts that we need to hear from. Please consider being a representative for your former local or district. We are only successful because of the people we serve.
Stay warm!!
In solidarity,
Vicki Darrow -
President, NYSUT RC #45
Please complete the form below and send your voluntary contribution for 2019/2020 to: Maxine Cleveland, RC 45 Treasurer, 5 Brentwood Drive, Homer NY 13077. Please make checks payable to: NYSUT Retiree Council 45
District From Which You Retired:_________________________________
E-Mail: ______________________________________________________
(Your e-mail address will only be used to communicate information from RC 45)