Tuesday, October 13, 1:30 PM
A secret ballot election for the following offices is scheduled to take place via mail ballot election upon completion of this meeting.
1stVice President
2nd Vice President
NYSUT Delegate (3)
NYSUT Alternate Delegate
RC Director (5)
AFT Delegate
AFT Alternate Delegate
Nominations may have previously been accepted for these positions. Additional nominations may be submitted in person at the scheduled virtual elections Zoom meeting listed above. All positions are for a three-year term.
All RC 45 members are eligible to vote in these elections. RC members who wish to receive a mail ballot for this election must register for and attend the elections Zoom meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 13, at 1:30PM in order to request a ballot.
To register for the virtual elections meeting, please visit:
Deadline for registrations is Monday, October 12, 2020. If you have any problems or questions about registering for your meeting, please contact Theresa Bernacki at